Saturday, 23 November 2013

Bring me knitting

Happy birthday Doctor Who. There have been many zombie-like adversaries in Doctor Who over its glorious fifty years, one being 'The Unquiet Dead' featuring the Ninth Doctor and Rose which springs to mind. Written by Mark Gatiss, who has given us The League of Gentlemen and Sherlock, not to mention the brilliant 'An Adventure in Space and Time' this week. The story probably features dead people returning to life via an alien entity - as nearly always with Doctor Who! A zombie apocalypse story featuring the Doctor would be great though. What would Rick Grimes say?

Our favourite part of the fiftieth? Well, it has to be The Night of the Doctor featuring the glorious return of the Eighth Doctor. Please give us more! Only a few minutes long, it's already given us some classic quotes which should grace a T-shirt or two! "Bring me knitting!"

However, The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot is great, giddy fun with a host of cameo's. Watch it if you can!